Redeemed from our wrong choices.

For many years I felt I had no power when I prayed. It was almost a pleading for God to hear me. It was often anchored in fear and not faith, desperately asking God to move on behalf of my request. Honestly, when I walked away from my prayer position, I wasn’t confident that my prayer was even heard and doubted that things would change.

It wasn’t until I understood the complete work of the cross that my prayers began to change. Instead of praying from earth to upward, I prayed from my citizen of heaven to earth. 

Ephesians 2:18-20

for through Him, we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone

Through this position, citizens of heaven, because of the rebirth that the blood of Jesus has granted us, things can change through prayer.

Let me share a miraculous testimony to give all honor and praise to Lord Jesus!

I work with a small group of mechanics, primarily young men under 30, and I have become more like a mom than a co-worker. One day I got ‘wind’ that one of the guys “B” found out his girlfriend “W” (who he refers to as his wife) was pregnant. They have two boys together, and I believe other children from prior relationships, so they decided to abort the baby. But, again, the shop guys didn’t know I knew.

I shared this situation with my church family, and we prayed for the little life inside the womb to be on earth as God sees it to be in heaven. Then, not sure how much time we had before it was too late, we pressed in.

It wasn’t long “B” requested a day off, and in my heart, I knew why. Throughout the day, I kept asking God to show this couple how valued they are to understand the value of this little one inside the womb, again asking that God’s will be done. The next day the co-worker returned, and I got ‘wind’ again that it was done – termination.

I have to be honest with you; it broke my heart. I had to step into the bathroom to cry, and it was hard not to be angry at my co-worker. I asked God to let me see him through his lens of love and not my lens of judgment. It was hard at first, but I was to be like Jesus, compassionate toward the person.

After a while, “B” decided to give his two weeks’ notice to work elsewhere, but the guys would randomly get text messages from him about what was going on in his life.

A few weeks back, “B” texted them that “W” was pregnant. My instant prayer was, Lord God, let this life be! And then shortly after that, the guys came into work and said: “B” is a daddy again, “W” had the baby.

Concerned, I asked if the baby was okay – thinking to myself that the little one was born prematurely.

Then I got these text messages from “B”…

Did u see my daughter?

Her name is ——- —-

                        I looked at her picture in amazement; this was a full-term baby!

“B” went on in his texts…

She’s my baby from God.

Like she is not supposed to be here.

“B” went on to tell me that they decided for the greater good, that they couldn’t afford to have the baby they chose to terminate the pregnancy. “W” went to a clinic to get the abortion pill, and the evidence was apparent to them that the drug worked. They had no clue she was still pregnant, she didn’t have any symptoms, and the baby didn’t move.

“B” texted more…

“W” did a lot of heavy lifting at work and the kids jumping on her etc., and this baby came out perfectly healthy. She is a baby from God; this is a Jesus baby, I promise…

They did a brain scan on her brain functions are normal; she has all her worms (fingers) like she is perfectly healthy like this is a MIRACLE.

My heart rejoices that God’s hand protected this little one. Yes, this baby is a Jesus baby. Jesus paid the price to redeem us from our wrong choices. And this baby girl is a reminder to this couple, us all, that the blood of Jesus can save us from the bad choices we make.

All praise and honor go to you, Lord Jesus! Thank you for life!!  

Note: Not an actual picture of daddy and baby girl

One thought on “Redeemed from our wrong choices.

  1. Betty Frank July 8, 2022 at 3:45 pm

    Such a beautiful testimony and I love that you know your position in the Father.
    Love this statement
    It wasn’t until I understood the complete work of the cross that my prayers began to change. Instead of praying from earth to upward, I prayed from my citizen of heaven to earth.

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