A moment in Court
We all know how courtroom proceedings unfold. Either we have watched court on the television or have had an unfortunate circumstance that brought us before the bench ourselves. Either way, we all know that it is best to have a lawyer present to speak on behalf of the accused. And we respect the one residing behind the bench.
Every morning I normally go to my office and spend time either reading in my bible or a few pages of a book that sits on my desk, which leads me into a time in prayer. Over the years Holy Spirit has given me a unique understanding of prayer; I need to see if anything would hinder my relationship with God, which has to lead me to look at my own life before I begin to pray for others.
It is easy for me to engage my thoughts when praying [talking] to God, Jesus, or Holy Spirit. I see my words, and I imagine in my heart.
On this particular morning, when I asked the Lord if there is anything that I have consciously or unconsciously done to grieve Him. Instantly I saw myself in court and someone was taking the gavel out of the judge’s [God’s] hand.
I thought, ‘What! That isn’t my hand. What does this mean?’
Quickly it was revealed to me the times that I had an opinion about how people handle different situations. I was made aware of many ‘judgments’ that I had made in the past few days all at once, and it felt heavy.
I asked God to forgive me for eating from the wrong tree, so to speak. It isn’t my job to judge people. I didn’t even realize I had made several little judgments. Big or little, it doesn’t matter; I was taking the gavel out of God’s hand and judging people.
Looking around in court, I noticed an accuser before the judge speaking judgments about me [Rev 12:10]. Truthfully he wasn’t falsely accusing me; I was guilty. BUT! I stood there with my advocate Lord Jesus [1 John 2:1], and the Blood spoke louder than the accuser. FORGIVEN!
So what about you? Have you ever taken the gavel out of the judge’s hand?
Do you even realize that an accuser is speaking about what we [all] have done that ‘falls short’ [Romans 3:23] before the Judge of all?
Wouldn’t you like to have a defender speaking on your behalf? Of course, you would. And it is your choice, but I am thankful that I have chosen King Jesus for me. And HIS blood speaks louder than the accuser.