Another Week-end

I climbed out of bed this morning and stumbled at the back door to let the dogs out, as I do every morning. With my eyes not totally focused I make my way to the coffee maker to get it started. It takes at least 15 minutes, usually longer, to get a decent cup of coffee from that old coffee machine of ours. As the coffee starts to slowly drip I begin to pounder of the many things that I want to accomplish before Monday morning comes back around.
As I took a mental inventory of tasks I need to get done I found myself growing very uneasy and slightly uptight. I told myself; “Settle down! Get back to the basics of your routine. Quiet yourself before the Lord, and read your scriptures.”
Slowly I started to feel the anxiety lose its grip over me. And as I was at the cross praying to my Lord above this is what he told me;
“Georgia, everyday as you walk into work you pray to me that “My” will be done, that you want to be a co-labor with me to bless people and to walk out my will for your life. I love that about you, but why do you only give me 8 hours of your day Monday thru Friday? If you truly want to be a co-laborer with me, walking out my will for your life it needs to be more than just Monday thru Friday, it needs to be more than just 8 hours of your day. Walk with me everyday, all day. You know the things that I have placed on your heart to do. You get frustrated every weekend because it is always about what you want to do and not what I, your Lord, want to accomplish through your obedience in those things I have placed on your heart. Will you put your agenda aside to carry out the things I have asked you to do? If so, you won’t become so uptight, and those things that you want to get done will get done. I love you Georgia either way, and the choice is yours if you walk out my will for your life. The choice is yours whether or not I can bless you with the things I have stored up for you as you walk out in obedience.”
As I close today I am going to approach my week end differently. I am going to place my agenda aside and start on those things that God has placed on my heart. I am looking forward to the blessing of a stress free week end because it is about HIS will not mine. You are so good to me Lord, thank you.