How to Nurture Hope

So, how do I give up my timeline and keep holding onto hope?

I remind myself that I am looking at the situation in the moment; God sees the whole picture. He knows the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10) and has not left me (Dt 31:8).

I then nurture these truths. Nurture means to feed or nourish whatever it is that you want to grow. I do this by remembering the times these scriptures became true for me. Those personal moments when I knew God was going before me, opening the door. Or when I could not see the end, I was stuck in the middle questioning “why,” only to realize that Hollywood couldn’t have scripted the end better than it unfolded for me.

Also, I look at scripture and see how the Lord came through countless times when things looked grim, remembering that HE is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). So we can expect the Lord to come through for us, too.

So, I want to encourage you not to look at the moment you may be sitting in but look up to the one who sees the entire picture. Know He has not abandoned you (Ps 94:14). He will work all things out to those who love him, according to His purposes (Ro 8:28; Php 1:6).

What testimonies do you have that you remind yourself to nurture hope?