The Potter’s Wheel

God molding us into a vessel he can use might seem foreign to those who haven’t grown up in the church. I didn’t grow up knowing anything about the Bible, so don’t feel bad; I indeed had several misunderstandings about these types of analogies.

Jeremiah 18 is where we find the reference to a potter shaping a marred pot. God was illustrating to Jeremiah His relationship with Israel. Though there are many commentaries on this passage, I have a few thoughts that I pull from this analogy that I want to share with you. Especially since this is the start of a new year, we are all looking to transform in one way or another.

Change only happens when we are not so hardheaded (stubborn) in our ways. So, as we compare the potter’s wheel and our transformation, we should remember that we remain pliable.

First, I want to point out that the wheel is always turning; it is a continuous motion, symbolizing the ongoing work we are in God’s hands.

On this journey of transformation, we must not dwell on where we currently stand. Just as the lump of clay on the potter’s wheel may not seem impressive at first glance, we must hold onto the hope that something beautiful is about to emerge.  

Remember, the potter’s work doesn’t end once the pot is formed. He continues to shape the clay, refining it into the ultimate vessel. Similarly, our transformation is a continuous process. We must not become complacent, always remaining open to learning and change.

Lastly, the potter does not remove his hand from the clay. The potter’s hand reveals God’s intimate involvement in our lives. This gives me reassurance that God is actively involved in our lives, shaping us into the person our destiny requires of us.

As we embark on this journey of 2025, let’s take a sincere look at ourselves and ask God for guidance on the changes we need to make. Remember, God is a loving father who guides us with compassion, not condemnation. If you feel otherwise, it’s not from Him, but from the accuser.  Hold onto the truth in scripture and keep moving forward, knowing that God’s hands are always shaping us into the vessel our destiny requires.