He watches over me

One morning I was on the back deck with my coffee mug in hand, doing some reflecting. It was one of those rare calm and peaceful moments, like the whole world was sleeping. As I was enjoying the silence I decided to let our two dogs outside to just stretch their legs. The sun was just peeking out from behind the clouds and the air had that autumn hint to it, it was relaxing to take a couple deep breaths of the crisp air. I went back inside but left the patio door open so that I could keep and eye on the two mischievous canines.

The dogs continued their investigating with their noses to the ground not aware that I was standing in the door watching to see if they would go outside the perimeter of our yard. All of the sudden a loud noise cut into the silence that startled the dogs. Automatically one dog looked up toward the house to see me standing there watching. It was like an instant of security for her, everything is ok, and she went on with her investigation. But my other dog ran away from the direction of the sound.

I then thought; I am like those two dogs. I get busy going about life, nose to the ground, moving on my path, all of the sudden I hear something that makes feel frightened. I sometimes run away into the opposite direction to get away from that thing that is making me feel anxious. Then, there are other times when I look up, and see that my Father in Heaven watching me. He has his eye on me. I then can rest assure that I am ok and can keep moving ahead on my path. I pray that I remember to keep close to Him in the “perimeter of His Protection” and feel secure that HE is watching over me.

How about you? Can you think of times that fear makes you just want to run in the opposite direction? Don’t run, just look up.
Psalm 121:1-3
I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber.

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