Have you ever thought what the pages of our life would read? I mean, are we giving testimony of God’s great love and compassion through our actions of each day? Writing words of victory as God help us through each storm of our lives. Or would the pages of our life read words of defeat, depression and despair? Even still, would the pages have harsh and mean words because things are not going our way? Unable to show love for one another as Christ did.
To tell you the truth I would have to say yes to all of the above. Some pages of my life are written on dull paper with not so nice words. However there are pages that are trimmed in gold and of the best quality paper. Those pages of gold trim are the days that I kept my eyes on heavenly things. Those are the days that I stand firm on the knowledge that my victory is in Jesus. Those are the days that I remember that even though things may not turn out like I want them to God has a better plan. Those are the day that I remember to have mercy and compassion on those around me as God has mercy and compassion on me.
My prayer would be that the pages of my life would have more pages with gold trim than without.