Reflection of Him

I noted the different texture of the road as I headed north one cool morning for my jog. They must have graded the road I thought to myself. Looking ahead I could see a mama deer with her spotted babe and I wanted to get closer but the loose gravel under my feet had startled her. Still, I felt pretty special to have gotten to see such sweetness.

I then would listened to my own breathing to make sure I am not becoming too winded as I ran. After I felt I was settled into a good pace I focus on the sounds around me. And what a wonderful sound it was, for my ears enjoyed a choir of different birds rejoicing; ‘for it is a new day.’

As soon as I turned east down the paved road the clouds seemed to just part, and the glorious sun peaked out, as if to say hello to me. I could almost feel my spirit rise within me reaching for the sky. Every part of me wanted to sign along with the birds, praising my Lord.

The sun warmed my face as I continued to take ground, and I couldn’t help to think that heaven was looking down at me. As I imagined this I had to smile to myself thinking of how Mosses’ face glowed from being in the presence of God. I was in His presence, He sees me. Does my face glow, I wondered.

The bible says in 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TLB) But we Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him.

Continuing to ponder this thought I asked God; how does one reflect Your glory? As soon as I asked this question I saw ahead of me the perfect example; a yellow butterfly gently fluttered past me, again I smiled. All creation reflects His glory simply ‘being’ as designed.

My questions then turned into a prayer; Lord whether it is drivers passing me, or people that cross my path at the market, I want them to sense something different about me. I pray that Your love and peace could be felt. I then imagined that each vehicle that I waved at, or person I passed, God was splashing His love all over them. He was blessing their day, at the same time their hearts were opening up to HIM.

So, as the still morning waters on a lake serve as a mirror for the trees around it, my prayer is that our lives would be a reflection of Gods goodness.

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