The Perfect Gift

This year I have been a little behind in the things that I do for Christmas. For instance I usually have my Christmas tree up and all my little decorations displayed no later than December 12. Well this year I didn’t get my tree up until December 22! Yes really! And I didn’t really go out shopping for presents until the 23rd & 24th.

My husband and I had an idea of what we wanted to get those on our list but there is several factors to consider when you go out shopping with only days left to Christmas: lots of traffic, long lines, everything picked over, and my level of strength to endure the physical and mental energy that it takes to go shopping for that perfect gift for a long period of time. Bottom line, I hate shopping! I do, I really don’t understand how some people do it every week.

I witness people just grabbing any thing to wrap up as a present, just to say that they gave one. No thought into it. I even seen people in the return line with bags full of returns, gifts that they had received at their extended family Christmas.

With in-laws, parent’s, step parents and all the different factors that make up a “Family” we sometimes end up all Christmas out by the time Christmas actually gets here.

So here I am Christmas morning looking at the wrapped presents that I have under the tree I ask myself these questions; “Will they appreciate it?” “Even though it doesn’t look like much, will they know how much of a financial sacrifice these gifts really are?” I want the person receiving our gifts to be thankful and value our presents, and to know how much we really love them.

Then I heard God ask me; “Will they appreciate my gift?” “Will they know how much of a sacrifice this gift of mine will have to make, for them?” “Do my children know how much I love them?” With that I had to weep, because I know that too many people do not appreciate HIS gift, HIS Perfect Gift, His SON Jesus. I would be so hurt if my child didn’t like his or her present. God must be heart broken, to have so many ignore the precious gift that HE has given us from Heaven. Then I have to ask myself this question; “Have I as a parent taught my children to truly value and appreciate this precious gift?”

My prayer would be that my family and friends would know how much God has given us, and to stop and honestly look how truly blessed we are to received the gift of FORGIVENESS when we accept HIS son Jesus.

“Hark! The Angles Sing, Glory to the NEW BORN KING!” Can you hear it? The heavens are singing!!

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