
I once shared with a friend that it is okay to slow down. She has been on a journey of physical healing and I told her it is about endurance not speed. I said that we are not a bunch of robots but beautifully created to do more than just check things off our ‘to do’ list. So why is it okay for these words to be hers and not mine? I mean why is it that I can give this advice to someone else but hard for me to accept? I guess I have this silly notion that I can only slow down if I am going through a physically healing, and even then I do not allow myself proper time (pride).

This farm house has a history of pushing me. When we lived here before I pressed my body way beyond what I should have. In fact some of the things I deal with now (knees) have a lot to do with my own stubbornness. I demanded myself to do more in my day than anyone else. I wanted to see big results (everyday) of what I was tackling- so if I wanted to see big results I need to push harder.

As I thought of all of this I had an image come to my mind, and I have to laugh. Can you imagine a strawberry trying hard to become ripe and red in one day? Pushing it self to become what only time can do. I guess that is me, I am that green looking strawberry pushing for results that only time can do.

Time- why am I still struggling with this? Before I didn’t have enough and now I don’t know how to manage it with a realistic rhythm.    

Until next time my friends, keep looking for your diamonds.

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