Increasing the speed doesn’t make time go by faster.

I had to run on the dreaded treadmill today at the gym. Only wanting to endure the machine for half an hour I started in, however the closer I was getting to the 30 minute mark I found myself increasing the speed. Like it would really make those minutes go any faster. I had to laugh once I realize what I was doing, it doesn’t matter how fast I am going. Thirty minutes is thirty minutes.

I instantly thought of the many times that I wanted to be farther down the road to that place where I would be walking out in my hearts desires (dreams and aspirations). There have been often times that I would be hard on myself, pushing to make things happen before I am ready. All those wonderful goals that I see in my heart and so badly want to achieve, I mentally turn up the speed on the treadmill (so to speak) as if it will get me there faster. But it’s a process, not a destination to become what God has designed me to be. It is a journey that my Heavenly Father is enjoying. And you what to know something… I am finally at a place of enjoying the journey now too. At least for today ‘wink’.

Philippians 1:6 AMP
I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in me will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].

Drop of Water

This is a picture I saw one morning a month or so ago when I went on my run. It was a morning after a heavy rain and the water had washed a path down the dirt road in which I live. I didn’t think much about the path until I was about 2 miles into my run. The heaviness I feeling made me feel that I was alone. My struggle to find my way in this transition I felt I was in made me feel as if I was lost in a dry land.

Then I saw this picture: it was one drop of water (representing me) slowly moving along in the sand. All of the sudden a another drop of water (representing ministries that I’ve been following) fell upon me, making the drop, or me, bigger and give me momentum (encouragement) to move a bit faster. However I was still in a very dry land and this picture went on for a while. Suddenly I could hear a rushing water (almost as if I was standing next to Niagara Falls) then my vision panned out and I could see a bigger area and what I saw was many droppings of water making their way across the dry land. The drops seemingly insignificant of their own, but when pulled together became a rushing river. We are pioneers making a path (like the path I saw on the side of our dirt road) for others in our family and in our communities, making the way a little easier. The remnants of our testimonies give others to faith and to be strong to keep moving forward. Praise God

I hope you are encouraged in this vision that I saw (and heard) it invigorated my spirit.


Even before moving back here to Michigan I have been asking the Lord for more laughter in my life. I am not saying that I am a sad person. I just sometimes lose the ability to enjoy life: more focused on doing than being. Does that make sense?

I’ve gotten several words that ‘adventures, laughter, and joy’ are ahead for me. I have no doubt that God will bring these things into my life; however this past week I realized how the thief has stolen my laughter in the past, among other things. (John 10:10)

Recently my youngest child had gotten married, and my husband and I have been pray circling around the weekend for months. We prayed that heaven would come down and invade earth, for God to be a part of this union of love and that it would be a joyful celebration. I believe our prayers were answered, the weather was beautiful, family members put their differences aside (for the most part) and I felt the presence of heaven all around.

Even though I experienced many emotions over that 48 hour period, I think it was the first time in a long time I felt comfortable being ‘me’. I wasn’t thinking about what other people thought of me like I’ve done in the past. Not worrying about silly things (what might my face look like when I cry- my crooked smile etc.) I able allowed myself to be a little goofy. Yes, I even got on the dance floor with my children and laughed at myself.

It was all beautiful; I so enjoyed my family and friends. Yet, when the pictures / videos started to post on facebook, and instagram I started to think; ‘oh my goodness, I look like that?! What was I thinking?! What did the guest think?!’ Or worse: ‘what did my daughter – in – law’s family think?!’ As these questions started to roll into my thoughts I could feel myself start to feel inferior, ugly, and even foolish. I even started to feel shame that I wasn’t being very ‘godly’.


After I stopped allowing these thoughts (negative self-talk) to take over in my mind, I realized where this was all coming from- it was coming from the enemy of my soul. This is how he has stolen my joy and laughter in the past, however NOT THIS TIME! I refuse to allow the enemy to engrave this ugly picture in my memory of that weekend. NOPE! It is, and always will be, a beautiful, laughter filled memory in my heart for all eternity.

Now wise to his schemes I only have a great anticipation for more laughter filled days head.