Even though it seems right, it may not be God’s will

As I sat listening to the young woman’s testimony questions started to surface in my mind. She described how her hope for relationships to be restored by God became the only thing that she focused on, even to the point of denial.

It made total sense to her, and to me, that it had to be God’s will for restoration. I mean that is what God does, restores. However as this beautiful blonde woman continued to share her story it didn’t end the way she had pictured it. Yes, God was there, many glorious things transpired those years that this part of her story unfolded. Yet, it didn’t end the way her hearts desired it would, and I found myself asking; is my ‘hearts desires’ God’s will or my own will?

I would like to believe I am ‘in sync’ with Heavenly Father so much that I would be able to distinguish between the two, but I am not so sure. Even though it seems right, it may not be God’s will. Am I allowing Him to be God in my life however that looks? Or, am I telling God how my life should look?

Lord, I pray that I would continue to examine myself and honestly answer this question; what is my motive behind the things I do. My prayer would be that my truthful answer will reveal to me if I am walking in Your will, or my own. Amen

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