
Last week my days were filled with all sorts of communication concerning a family member, which became overwhelming to keep everyone in the loop. Text messages, phone calls, emails, and repeating information to keep everyone updated wore me down. Trying to speak with the different personalities I try to communicate with was very difficult; some like the facts, some like to talk in circles, some are just plain chatty, and repeating themselves exhausted me. 

Then navigating through the responses on how to handle the situation, of course, this isn’t in a room where all parties can talk – no, it is on three-way calls, or,  talking to one person, hang up and repeat all that was said to another.

Emotions got involved, not that feelings are wrong. But, when we allow how we feel to alter our normal behavior or personality, it is time to pull back and evaluate ‘why’ we are getting upset. Then go back to the table (so to speak) and come up with a solution. I am evaluating ‘why’ I let my emotions become strings that the puppet master manipulated my behavior. I am not saying I am not accountable for handling the situation wrong, and I need to ask those involved to forgive my harsh demeanor and words. 

Though I think about how often this scenario happens regarding all critical issues. Sadly more often than not, when emotions become heightened, people pull out, become unengaged, and throw in the towel.

No wonder people are relucted to get involved in the community in which they live. With the responsibilities, one has with family, work, and home, the thought of adding one more thing to their plate could cause one to turn their back and say, “let someone else deal with it.”

King David probably thought this way from time to time. His memory as a shepherd boy with the green valleys and gentle streams probably had him consider taking his crown off and stepping away from the demands of being a leader. I believe the words he declared when he threw the stone that killed the giant rang in his heart to continue. What were those words? “Is there not a cause? (1 Samuel 17:29 KJV)

“Cause” also means history. Is there not a history to fight for? Is there not a history that we can anchor our faith in? 

You may wonder what this has to do with last week’s emotional week.

I am encouraged and find the energy to continue communicating with my extended family by remembering our history. Yes, we are dysfunctional, but I need the focus on the good each person brings. We all want the same thing; we have different approaches to achieving those things. By giving each person the space to communicate without snarky remarks or disdainful facial expressions, discord loses its power. 

When I know that I will be involved in a conversation of great importance, I humble myself and pray for Jesus to be in the mist; Jesus: Prince of Peace. I humble myself to keep pride out of the conversation and pray the way Jesus instructed in Matthew 6:9-13 “your will be done.”

We all have those testimonies, HIStory, when God answered our prayers. The cities we live in have a history of being great in one way or another. Not great in a prideful way as “look at us.”  But great in being a peaceful, vibrant community. We should let that stir our hearts; then, we find the energy to stand up and step out.

It was dropped in my heart years ago: prayer goes before change.

Let’s learn to work together by changing our approach when stepping out to get involved. We do that with prayer; then, we will see results that bring the outcome that Jesus has obtained for us; victory over darkness. 

Can you hear it?

Have you ever listened to a recording of your voice? I rarely listen to myself, though anyone who speaks publicly should. The purpose is to learn and grow as a communicator, hearing how you sound to others.

Question: Could we recognize the sound of our voice if we listened to a recording of ourselves in a room full of people?

My voice has a relatively ‘high’ tone, so I need to remember that when I talk to my grandbabies, I don’t need to take it up an octave to engage. Why do we do this when we talk to babies?

As much as I hate to admit it, I can get my feathers ruffled (so to speak), and my angry voice sounds hard, sharp, and short, unlike my normal soft tone.

Another question; Can you hear your own heart when you speak? I am not talking about the beat of our hearts. I am talking about hearing your spirit.

Let me explain

Earlier this morning, I was talking to Tom (not their real name). He has spoken with me sporadically for the past five years. Many times I could ‘hear’ what he was saying. Oddly though, I don’t think he realizes what he is communicating.

At times, over the years, I could hear Tom’s hurt and bitterness. I usually hear a playful yet orphaned little boy, not understanding his value.

Today I said to him; Oh Tom, I hear your heart, don’t you? He looked at me puzzled and playfully laughed and walked away.

I don’t know; maybe he does hear his heart but doesn’t know how to process it.

I have been there many times. I am filling my day with noise, busy doing this and that, so I don’t have to hear my heart speak. For many years I told myself I was too busy. I need to help so-in-so, or I should get this done, or that.

What about you? Do you sometimes turn on some mindless television show to rest your overworked mind? It may be for the noise to drown out the small voice inside.

Years ago, at the end of my day, I would sit and think about how I missed the mark or didn’t get everything checked off my ‘to-do’ list. I even rehearse conversations with others, thinking to myself; oh, I should have said this, or I should have done that.

Torment is what it was, agony. And who do you think would start those thoughts? The enemy of my soul!  

It wasn’t until I stopped racializing my heart’s inner voice, letting little Georgia speak, and allowing Papa God to interact with me that I understood my need for inner healing. It is a process like layers of an onion. But it is liberating! 

Matthew 12:34 b

for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

When we communicate, we should listen so that we can truly hear. I usually apply that to the one speaking to me, but we can also use it ourselves, listening to our heart. 


There are indeed vocabulary differences between men and women, which sometimes makes me laugh.

This past weekend I was with a group of men and women having a meal together at the local restaurant enjoying good food and conversation. 

One of the men at the table told a story and said, “… stuck in my craw,” which made me laugh. And I asked what the meaning of the word, craw is. Of course, all the men knew what it meant, but I didn’t.

Another guy at the table said; the expression compares to a woman’s intuition. With that clarification, I could follow the story easier.

I wonder how often the message gets misconstrued because of our difference in vocabulary. It happens more times than we think.

We each use perception based on our experiences; we see things more often than not through our struggles, hardships, victories, or joyful times. And if we have not gone through an ‘experience’ for ourselves, we listen to others who have. Yet, again it is being communicated through the lens of that person. 

Let’s say someone went to an amusement park, rode a rollercoaster, and had a wonderful time. The thrill of the ride’s gravitational and centripetal forces stirred enthusiasm for such places and often talked about it. Someone who has never been to an amusement park would take this person’s opinion.

I am not too proud to admit that I am NOT all-knowing, nor do I understand all the information being shared. With that said, I will pray before starting my day, especially before attending meetings, particularly those that concern the welfare of my community, and ask for wisdom and understanding. One might think the two are the same, but they aren’t. Understanding is the ability to grasp what is said, and wisdom is to discern what is true, right, or lasting. 

 I am asking for wisdom from Holy Spirit. Only then would I have an unbias discernment.

James 3:17 – But the wisdom that comes from heaven is, first of all, pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

As we each start our week, let us humble ourselves and pray for true wisdom as we make decisions that affect not only our own lives but the lives of others.  

Happy New Year

I don’t know if everyone who reads the words I type out declares allegiance to King Jesus, but I do. I am no better than the next person; what makes me confident that I am redeemed is that  I know that the sacrifice of Jesus covered all my iniquities (Ps. 25:10-12). I also know that the Spirit  Intercedes on my (our) behalf. 

I have mentioned several times that I am an intercessor; some might not understand what I mean by saying this, but it means that I pray. How I pray might be unusual to some, but I am not embarrassed by this. Years ago, I may have, but not now.

I take my position in prayer seriously and responsibly, which means when people reach out to me for prayer, I cannot pray half-hearted prayers; the Holy Spirit won’t allow me to. I am not saying that I partner with religious wording. I pray with my heart engaged with heaven. Even then, I may pray for things that may not align with God’s design or will. I heard a pastor say that Jesus takes our prayers and shines them up before handing them to God. Not that -that gives me an excuse to pray irresponsibly, but it gives me (personally) grace to not be afraid to pray.    

Let me explain.

Years ago, a family member of mine had an employment opportunity open up before them and had to decide.

NOTE: we are not to pray manipulative prayers (things that go against a person’s will).

In those babe years of my understanding of prayer, I did not seek God’s will. I just prayed prayers that I thought were good. And I prayed that this person would make the right decision and take the opportunity. That would have been the best move for this person’s future. That family member decided to pass up the ‘opportunity.’ At first, I was upset, but I had gotten to a place of trust that God had a plan, and it would be good.

Recently, information was released that the employer, which I thought was a great opportunity, is not upstanding and ethical as I thought. In my heart, I told the Lord – thank you –I was then reminded of what that pastor had said long ago.

You may be asking yourself: what is the purpose of typing this all out?

I want to communicate that I ask the Holy Spirit what to pray when I pray. So if you reach out to me for this type of support, praying for you, or for decisions you need to make, know that I ask Holy Spirit how to pray.

I know beyond a doubt that prayer can change the course of destruction.

In the leadership position, we each have,  there is accountability; let us take it more seriously.

I have made an oath to allow Jesus Christ as my Lord. Yes, I live in the United States, but I pledge allegiance to HIM first. No man-driven policies will fix bad legislation. No new prescription will heal the mind (heart) that is depressed. No new curriculum will prepare our youth for the future. 

I believe the success of 2023  begins with us each asking God; what is your will for my life? Being accountable to God and yielding to what he calls us will bring the victory of Jesus Christ, manifested on the earth as it is in heaven. 

Happy New Year! It will be an incredible year, for we will see the Glory of God displayed on earth.    

Now is the time

I sit here on yet another December 31st, asking the same question I have been asking for several years now; did I finish all the things I started to do in January?

I am not going to lie; in the past, I’ve felt like I had fallen short in doing those things that stirred in my heart to do at the beginning of every year.

However, today I have a new perspective.

Romans 8:28 brings comfort to us when we are going through difficult times, rightly so, but today a word was dropped in my heart as I pondered this past year.

“The delay hasn’t been about you failing. Remember Georgia, I (the Lord God) work all things together, for such a time as this.”

Before my 55th birthday two years ago, I asked Papa God what he was going to give me for my birthday. What was dropped in my heart had me stunned. I am still listening to heaven to learn its meaning.

But today I want to encourage each of you with the words dropped in my heart as we step into a “New” year.

Don’t doubt step out.
You don’t need an excuse to go.
You don’t need a crutch to climb the mountain.
You don’t need a life jacket to step out of the boat.

Romans 8:28 TPT
So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing God into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.